The International Organisation for Industrial Emergency Services Management

Who we are
JOIFF, The International Organisation for Industrial Emergency Services Management, is a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to developing the knowledge, skills, understanding and competence of Emergency Services personnel, primarily in High Hazard Industry, by working to improve standards of safety and of the working environment in those sectors in which its members operate.
JOIFF’s prime activity is Shared Learning to drive inherent safety, continuous risk reduction and safe management of residual risk in Industry so that future incidents and subsequent unnecessary losses can be prevented. JOIFF also shares learning in the hope that people will benefit from the misfortunes of some to educate against the same mistakes being repeated by themselves.
JOIFF Community
Emergency Services personnel are the first call at emergency events and therefore they should be fully trained in responding to the potential accidents/incidents on and off the site to which they may be required to respond within their Area Emergency Response Plan. Emergency Services personnel in high hazard industries Worldwide, are faced with similar challenges and JOIFF is building a large and growing JOIFF Community of emergency services personnel who have common goals and values in working together to protect life, property, the environment and business continuity/resilience.JOIFF activities are in 4 groups, – Shared Learning, Accredited Training, Technical Advisory Group and Professional Affiliation.
Our 4 Pillars

1. Shared Learning
Improving risk awareness amongst the members
JOIFF’s Shared Learning resources include its members’ email network, its quarterly magazine “The Catalyst”, its Working Groups and Guidelines, its webinars and podcasts, its Shared Learning events and access to a large amount of relevant technical information in the Members Area of the JOIFF website, all aimed at improving the level of knowledge of emergency services personnel on current Good Industry Practice across the range of Industrial Emergency Services activities.
2. Accredited Training
Operational preparedness in emergency response and crisis management
Since 2001 the JOIFF Secretariat has developed and administers the system of JOIFF Accreditation, which is a quality assurance system aimed at developing the competence of emergency responders when dealing with potential accidents/incidents to which they are required to respond within their Area Emergency Response Plan. JOIFF accreditation of training includes an examination of the standards of health, safety management, environmental protection, instruction and courses at the location and facilities where the training will take place. Key to all JOIFF accredited training is an accredited system of assessment and verification to ensure competence on an on-going basis. Students are assessed on their competence and those who have successfully completed JOIFF accredited training courses/programs receive JOIFF accredited certificates of competence issued by the JOIFF Accredited Training Provider.

3. Technical Advisory Group
Improving standards of operational safety in the working environment
JOIFF members have extensive knowledge of hazards and risks within their workplace and as situations arise, JOIFF establishes Working Groups of Subject Matter Experts to assist members of the JOIFF Community in working to current levels of Good Industry Practice within their own sites. Much of the work of the Working Groups results in the production of JOIFF Guidelines on specific subjects and they also review incidents that have taken place and examine and draw up new procedures to ensure increased safety and operations.
4. Professional Affiliation
Membership of a prestigious International organisation
As a prestigious International organisation, an important function of JOIFF is to organise regular events to include the JOIFF Community in shared learning and networking. JOIFF holds Regional Shared Learning events and International Conferences and Summits dealing with current issues in the High Hazard Industry Sector. JOIFF encourages job opportunities for emergency responders who have successfully completed JOIFF Accredited Training courses and those who have been awarded JOIFF Accredited qualifications of competence in Emergency Services Management.